Perfected simplicity is where he's at.
This is the place to learn about who is making what in the world of environmental fashion. Each post is written with a focus on the WHO as an individual designer, and not so much the company they own or work for. 2008-2009 Chic Eco contests were a blast. Sorry the competitions are on vacation, but press releases and introductions of current and upcoming designers are welcome by email, ‒ see Chic Eco contact page and LINKS on left sidebar.
These products touch human skin and are made of highly toxic petroleum byproducts like carbon black. Delia, I've done a fair amount of research on recycled shredded tire used as mulch and conclude this is a terrible product. What do you think about a similar product with constant, direct touch with human skin? Also, I could do without the marijuana sounding product name (spliff, "splaff"). Love the blog -- kindest regards!
Rob, UofVermont
Interesting perspective Rob; thanks! Yes, I've read about recycled rubber tire chips being removed from childrens' playgrounds for toxic discoveries. However, the tires in this story are recycled into a new material by R&D with inventors at Regupol: http://www.regupolamerica.com/
ReplyDeleteAlso, none of the products have the name SPLIFF, so how does it correlate to SPLAFF?
L'idée de ce site www.gravurecaoutchouc.com et de faire connaître à tous, une matière noble.Tout le monde l'utilise tous les jours, parfois même elle rebute... et bien ! À partir de maintenant c'est fini. Vous allez découvrir et aimer le caoutchouc sous formes diverses, insolites, techniques d'arts, industrielles, déchets, et bien plus encore.