Saturday, July 11, 2009

Cliff Drill for Splaff Inc Wins Best Sustainable Footwear Designer Poll

Perfected simplicity is where he's at.


  1. These products touch human skin and are made of highly toxic petroleum byproducts like carbon black. Delia, I've done a fair amount of research on recycled shredded tire used as mulch and conclude this is a terrible product. What do you think about a similar product with constant, direct touch with human skin? Also, I could do without the marijuana sounding product name (spliff, "splaff"). Love the blog -- kindest regards!

    Rob, UofVermont

  2. Interesting perspective Rob; thanks! Yes, I've read about recycled rubber tire chips being removed from childrens' playgrounds for toxic discoveries. However, the tires in this story are recycled into a new material by R&D with inventors at Regupol:
    Also, none of the products have the name SPLIFF, so how does it correlate to SPLAFF?

  3. L'idée de ce site et de faire connaître à tous, une matière noble.Tout le monde l'utilise tous les jours, parfois même elle rebute... et bien ! À partir de maintenant c'est fini. Vous allez découvrir et aimer le caoutchouc sous formes diverses, insolites, techniques d'arts, industrielles, déchets, et bien plus encore.


Comments always welcome!